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Indian. Marathi. Male. B.Tech Engineering Graduate. Applications Developer at Oracle, India. Loves Cricket and Gaming. Technology Buff. Reading is more than a hobby. Spending time with family and friends is always a priority. Ever ready to have a laugh. That's me... Suyash Joshi

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A little Math never hurt anyone...

Hello everyone, I am just on the verge of finishing my engineering degree, but before that I'm really being wrecked by my final year project, but more on that later. In order to do some stress relieving, my favorite time pass has always been reading jokes. I feel things which tickle your funny bone really get you going for the next big task of the day. Now since I am not quite getting the time to blog about anything, I felt a compulsive and obsessive urge to share this great one with you. Official Disclaimer : You need to have a certain degree of mathematical sense of humour to understand the moral of humility behind the following story... hehe... Read on.

The cocky exponential function ex is strolling along the road insulting the functions he sees walking by. He scoffs at a wandering polynomial for the shortness of its Taylor series. He snickers at a passing smooth function of compact support and its glaring lack of a convergent power series about many of its points. He positively laughs as he passes |x| for being non differentiable at the origin. He smiles, thinking to himself, "Damn, it's great to be ex. I'm real analytic everywhere. I'm my own derivative. I blow up faster than anybody and shrink faster too. All the other functions suck."

Lost in his own egomania, he collides with the constant function 3, who is running in terror in the opposite direction.

"What's wrong with you? Why don't you look where you're going?" demands ex. He then sees the fear in 3's eyes and says "You look terrified!"

"I am!" says the panicky 3. "There's a differential operator just around the corner. If he differentiates me, I'll be reduced to nothing! I've got to get away!" With that, 3 continues to dash off.

"Stupid constant," thinks ex. "I've got nothing to fear from a differential operator. He can keep differentiating me as long as he wants, and I'll still be there."

So he scouts off to find the operator and gloat in his smooth glory. He rounds the corner and defiantly introduces himself to the operator. "Hi. I'm ex."

"Hi. I'm d/dy."

If you are not rolling on floor with laughter, never mind, as the title says, a little math never hurt anyone. But even if you are a yet-to-pass-10th-class person stumbling up here, you can ask for explanation by writing a comment here. Just kidding. Have fun.

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